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InCopy CC - Adobe VIP Program - Volume/Site License

InCopy CC - Adobe VIP Program - Volume/Site Licens
As low As $59.88

Availability: ESD: Electronic Software Delivery via Email in 1 to 2 Business Days.

Eligible to Buy*:


Description System Requirements Who is Eligible to Buy?
Speed up editorial workflows with InCopy CC, the only copy writing application designed to tightly integrate with InDesign CC. Search and formatting features make everyday tasks easier than ever.

Available to purchased under the VIP program:
The Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) is a subscription licensing program with simple and secure management capabilities, flexible terms that give educational institutions lots of choices, and discount levels that increase as you make additional purchases.
VIP Features:
Enrollment: Contact your Account Manager (either an Adobe representative or an Adobe Authorized Education Reseller), receive an invitation to VIP from reseller, accept the terms and conditions and then place your first order.
VIP terms and conditions: A Value Incentive Plan agreement begins the day the Member accepts the VIP terms and conditions through the email invitation from Member’s Account Manager and does not expire. Once the terms and conditions have been accepted, your institution is assigned a VIP Number and is given administrative access to the license management tool (Admin Console).
VIP Number: A VIP Number is a unique identifying number that designates your institution as a member of the VIP program.
Membership Terms: Pay up front for 1 year or up to 4 years
Type of License: Creative Cloud Named-user licenses; device licenses; K–12 site licenses. Deploy and manage through Adobe’s Licensing Website (LWS)